Mar 1, 2009

one of the many joys inherent in the unemployed life (so long as one is fortunate enough to have the economic realities somewhat under control) is the ability to tackle that pile of books that has been accumulating for years.  the books that everyday life never affords you the time to read.  you know the story: a few pages here, read half asleep at the end of a long day, a chapter or two there, on that precious ten day holiday, for many a paltry few paragraphs on the tube, taxi or bus ride to and fro work.  in short, it takes us weeks or months to get through your average novel - and you can forget about those classic tomes you've been yearning after for years, always high on the list but never accomplished - the dead russians, englishmen & americans of literary fame.  with that said, perhaps in way of an excuse for my lack of writing on this site thus far, i'll periodically add excerpts from books i've had the pleasure - and luxury - to read as of late.  you likely won't find too many unheard-ofs on shane's reading list.  19th & 20th century classics feature highly - along with a smattering of contemporary stuff.


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